OsmoDevCall - Using pySim-shell on sysmoISIM-SJA5 cards

Using pySim-shell on sysmoISIM-SJA5 cards requires understanding of complex card configuration, 3GPP specifications, and file systems, as well as encryption and integrity protection.

Key takeaways
  • Using pySim-shell on sysmoISIM-SJA5 cards requires understanding of different commands and groups of commands.
  • Card configuration is complex, with many files and options, and understanding of the 3GPP specifications is necessary.
  • The TUAC command is used to configure the card’s operating system, and the CFG file is used to store configuration data.
  • The EF (Elementary File) structure is used to store data on the card, and files like EF.FPLMN and EF.IMSI contain network configuration data.
  • The USIM application is used to store user authentication information, and the ADF (Application Dedicated File) structure is used to store application-specific data.
  • Cards can be configured to support different networks, with the MCC and MNC values determining the network settings.
  • The PNN file contains provider network names, and the FPLMN file contains the frequency plan for the network.
  • Card security is protected by using encryption and integrity protection, and the EFS (Elementary File Structure) is used to store sensitive data.
  • Cards can be configured to support different file systems, with the dir command being used to navigate the file system.
  • Understanding of the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format is necessary to work with card data.
  • PySim is a tool used to work with sysmoISIM-SJA5 cards, and it provides a Python interface to the card’s functionality.
  • PySim can be used to enable and disable files and services on the card, as well as to read and write data to the card.
  • Understanding of the 3GPP specifications is necessary to use PySim effectively.
  • The cfg file is used to store configuration data on the card, and the key material is used to encrypt and decrypt data.
  • Cards can be configured to support different levels of security, with the USIM application being used to store sensitive data.
  • The TUAC command is used to configure the card’s operating system, and the CFG file is used to store configuration data.
  • The EF structure is used to store data on the card, and files like EF.FPLMN and EF.IMSI contain network configuration data.
  • Understanding of the JSON format is necessary to work with card data.
  • PySim can be used to enable and disable files and services on the card, as well as to read and write data to the card.