Q&A Live with Dr. Douglas Terrier, NASA. Everything you need to know about Space Tech

Join Dr. Douglas Terrier, NASA, for an exclusive Q&A session on the latest developments in space technology, including sustainable life on the moon and Mars, advanced life support systems, and more.

Key takeaways
  • NASA is working on long-term sustainable life on the moon and Mars, with plans to build a lunar outpost and establish a human settlement on Mars.
  • The Artemis program aims to return humans to the moon by 2024 and establish a sustainable presence on the lunar surface.
  • NASA is developing technologies to recycle water, air, and food in space, and is working to create a closed-loop life support system.
  • The agency is also working to mitigate the effects of microgravity on the human body, including the use of exercise equipment to maintain muscle and bone health.
  • NASA is partnering with private companies and international agencies to achieve its goals, and is working to create an entrepreneurial spirit around space technology.
  • The agency is also focused on diversity and inclusion, with a goal of having a more diverse workforce and a greater sense of inclusivity in its programs.
  • NASA is working on several other missions, including the James Webb Space Telescope and the Mars 2020 rover.
  • The agency is also working on developing new propulsion technologies, including nuclear power and advanced ion engines.
  • NASA is working to ensure that its decisions are made in the best interest of the program, and is committed to transparency and accountability.
  • The agency is also working to protect the environment, both on Earth and in space, and is working to develop new technologies to mitigate the effects of climate change.
  • NASA is working to develop a sustainable presence on the moon and Mars, with plans to establish a lunar outpost and a human settlement on Mars.
  • The agency is also working to develop new technologies to support its missions, including advanced life support systems and communication technologies.