Reverse Pitches TechChill 2023

Join us for "Reverse Pitches TechChill 2023" as we explore the secrets to efficient investment decisions, domain-focused investing, and building a competitive advantage through a supportive investor community.

Key takeaways
  • The speed and efficiency of investment decisions is crucial for startups; investors should be able to make decisions quickly, ideally within three to five weeks from the initial introduction.
  • 99% of a startup’s value comes from someone else, so it’s important to have a supportive and experienced investor community.
  • Domain-focused investing is more effective than a generalist approach, with 30-40% of investments being in a specific domain.
  • Success for a startup lies in having the right team, customers, and funding in place.
  • Investors should be prepared to give candid feedback and support, providing a network effect and helping startups navigate challenges.
  • The key criteria for a startup’s success is having at least a continental, ideally global, potential, and being able to scale.
  • The goal of the speaker is to fund a transformation to a regenerative and sustainable future, with a focus on emerging technologies.
  • The speaker values the network effect, seeing it as a competitive advantage.
  • The time-consuming administrative work should be centralized, allowing investors to focus on the fun part, which is making decisions.
  • The speaker has a background in corporate development, having spent 20 years working in go-to-market strategies for startups and scale-ups.