Robotics at Compile Time: Optimizing Robotics Algorithms With C++'s Compile-Time Features - CppCon23

C++'s compile-time features can optimize robotics algorithms for more predictable and efficient code. Learn how template metaprogramming, Eigen libary, and more can improve performance and reduce runtime errors.

Key takeaways
  • C++’s compile-time features can be used to optimize robotics algorithms, allowing for more predictable and efficient code.
  • Template metaprogramming can be used to generate code that is specific to a particular robot or joint, reducing the need for runtime decisions.
  • The std::conditional type alias can be used to create a type that returns a fixed value if a condition is true.
  • The Eigen library can be used to represent geometric transformations, such as rotations and translations.
  • Compile-time evaluation of conditions can be used to avoid runtime errors and improve performance.
  • The fold expression can be used to combine values of different types, such as integers and strings.
  • The index_sequence type can be used to create a sequence of values, such as a tuple of indices.
  • The std::variant type can be used to represent a value that can be one of several different types.
  • The constexpr keyword can be used to evaluate an expression at compile-time.
  • The if constexpr statement can be used to evaluate a condition at compile-time and choose a different branch of code to execute.
  • The std::clamp function can be used to clamp a value to a specified range.
  • The std::clamp function can be used to clamp a value to a specified range.
  • The Eigen library can be used to represent geometric transformations, such as rotations and translations.
  • Compile-time evaluation of conditions can be used to avoid runtime errors and improve performance.
  • The fold expression can be used to combine values of different types, such as integers and strings.
  • The index_sequence type can be used to create a sequence of values, such as a tuple of indices.
  • The std::variant type can be used to represent a value that can be one of several different types.
  • The constexpr keyword can be used to evaluate an expression at compile-time.
  • The if constexpr statement can be used to evaluate a condition at compile-time and choose a different branch of code to execute.
  • The std::clamp function can be used to clamp a value to a specified range.
  • The std::clamp function can be used to clamp a value to a specified range.
  • The Eigen library can be used to represent geometric transformations, such as rotations and translations.
  • Compile-time evaluation of conditions can be used to avoid runtime errors and improve performance.
  • The fold expression can be used to combine values of different types, such as integers and strings.
  • The index_sequence type can be used to create a sequence of values, such as a tuple of indices.
  • The std::variant type can be used to represent a value that can be one of several different types.
  • The constexpr keyword can be used to evaluate an expression at compile-time.
  • The if constexpr statement can be used to evaluate a condition at compile-time and choose a different branch of code to execute.
  • The std::clamp function can be used to clamp a value to a specified range.
  • The std::clamp function can be used to clamp a value to a specified range.