Shin-Rong Tsai - libyt: a Tool for Parallel In Situ Analysis with yt

Discover libyt, a C++ library enabling in-situ analysis of large-scale simulation data with yt, offering parallelism, real-time analysis, and integration with Python and C++.

Key takeaways
  • Libyt is a C++ library that enables in-situ analysis of large-scale simulation data using yt, a Python package for analyzing and visualizing volumetric data.
  • It allows simulations to execute the same code on CPU and GPU, and provides a viable solution to analyze large scale simulation data.
  • Libyt supports parallelism feature using MPI for data redistribution, and can be used to analyze simulation data in real-time.
  • It provides a framework for users to define C++ functions to write simulated data, and can be used to analyze data on site without the need for intermediate steps.
  • Libyt can be used to analyze simulation data in real-time, reducing the need for data transfer and increasing the speed of simulation analysis.
  • It provides a way to integrate simulation and analysis using a Python-C-C++ framework, allowing users to write Python code to analyze simulation data.
  • Libyt uses one-sided communication in MPI, allowing for remote memory access and efficient data transfer.
  • The library provides a set of tools for data analysis, including selection, visualization, and projection plots.
  • It can be used to analyze large-scale simulation data, including data from astrophysical simulations and other domains.
  • Libyt is still in its initial stages, with version 0.1 released and future plans to support more data structures and optimizations.
  • It has been used to analyze data from simulations of core collapse supernovae and fuzzy dark matter, and is being evaluated for use in other applications.