std::simd: How to Express Inherent Parallelism Efficiently Via Data-parallel Types - Matthias Kretz

Express inherently parallel operations efficiently with `std::simd`, a library providing data-parallel types to boost algorithm performance.

Key takeaways
  • Data parallelism should be expressed efficiently via data-parallel types.
  • The compiler cannot make use of SIMD instructions if the loop cannot be vectorized.
  • SIMD made the program slower in some cases because of cache effects and cache misses.
  • The auto vectorizer does not do a good job in some cases and does not take into account cache effects.
  • The compiler needs to know the machine it is compiling for to make the best use of SIMD instructions.
  • The std::simd library provides a way to express data parallelism and can be used to improve the performance of algorithms.
  • The SIMD type can be used to define a vector of elements that can be operated on in parallel.
  • The SIMD type can be used with arithmetic and comparison operators.
  • The SIMD type can be used with functions such as sum, product, and reduce.
  • The SIMD type can be used with conditional statements such as if and switch.
  • The SIMD type can be used with iterators and ranges.
  • The SIMD type can be used with constants and variables.
  • The SIMD type can be used with floating point numbers and integers.
  • The SIMD type can be used with complex numbers.
  • The SIMD type can be used with boolean values.
  • The SIMD type can be used with character arrays.
  • The SIMD type can be used with strings.
  • The SIMD type can be used with vectors and matrices.
  • The SIMD type can be used with bit operations.
  • The SIMD type can be used with bitwise AND, OR, and XOR operations.
  • The SIMD type can be used with bitwise shift operations.
  • The SIMD type can be used with mask operations.
  • The SIMD type can be used with conditional statements with masks.
  • The SIMD type can be used with parallelizable algorithms.
  • The SIMD type can be used with parallelizable data structures.
  • The SIMD type can be used with parallelizable computations.
  • The SIMD type can be used with parallelizable algorithms and data structures.
  • The SIMD type can be used with parallelizable computations and algorithms.
  • The SIMD type can be used with parallelizable algorithms, data structures, and computations.
  • The SIMD type can be used with parallelizable applications.
  • The SIMD type can be used with parallelizable applications and systems.
  • The SIMD type can be used with parallelizable systems.
  • The SIMD type can be used with parallelizable applications and systems.