Sustainable Continuous Delivery: Patterns for rapid and reliable Releases | Manuel Pais

Learn patterns and practices to achieve rapid, reliable, and sustainable continuous delivery, focusing on speed, quality, and operability, with strategies for automated tests, short pipelines, and key metric tracking.

Key takeaways
  • Sustainable Continuous Delivery: Focus on making releases faster, safer, and reliable by implementing patterns and practices that promote speed, quality, and operability.
  • Pattern: Continuous Release System: Design a delivery system that integrates tools and practices to deliver changes rapidly and reliably, with a focus on quality, security, and operability.
  • Automated Acceptance Tests: Use BDD to write automated acceptance tests that ensure the application works as expected and provides quick feedback.
  • Short and Wide Pipelines: Break down complex workflows into smaller, independent pipelines that can be run in parallel to reduce dependencies and improve speed.
  • Map Velostream: Visualize the delivery system by mapping the velocity of changes, identifying bottlenecks, and optimizing workflows.
  • Focus on Key Metrics: Monitor and track key metrics such as lead time, failure rate, and time to recover to identify areas for improvement and optimize the delivery system.
  • Decouple Teams and Activities: Decouple teams and activities to reduce dependencies and improve speed, with a focus on automation, monitoring, and fixing issues quickly.
  • Improve Understanding of the System: Foster a deep understanding of the delivery system by analyzing metrics, monitoring, and providing feedback to teams and stakeholders.
  • Focus on the Flow of Work: Analyze the flow of work to identify bottlenecks and optimize workflows, with a focus on reducing waste and improving speed.
  • Make Releases Safer: Implement practices that make releases safer, such as automated builds, regression tests, and monitoring, to reduce the risk of errors and failures.