The Future of Software Engineering – Mary Poppendieck

Future-proof your software engineering approach and discover the key trends and concepts driving innovation, from horizontal scaling and microservices to feedback-driven cultures and AI integration.

Key takeaways
  • The future of software engineering is about horizontal scaling, and teams need to be autonomous to scale.
  • The cathedral and bazaar concept is crucial, where the cathedral represents traditional software development and the bazaar represents a more collaborative and distributed approach.
  • Microservices and API’s are important for scalability, and teams need to focus on delivering outcomes rather than outputs.
  • The concept of “eventual consistency” means that data may not be consistent across all systems at all times, but this is okay for many applications.
  • The importance of knowledge sharing, including sharing tools, patterns, and techniques, cannot be overstated.
  • Feedback from customers is critical, and teams need direct connections with customers to learn and improve.
  • The concept of “sink and stabilize” is important, where teams combine advances and regular events to learn and improve.
  • The future of software engineering is about leveraging everyone’s creativity and brainpower, not just a select few.
  • Building cultures that prioritize delivery pipelines, direct customer connections, and feedback are essential for success.
  • The military model is an important concept, where small, independent teams work together to achieve a common goal, with a focus on autonomy, shared knowledge, and feedback.
  • Artificial intelligence and virtual reality are important trends in software engineering, and software engineering is also about culture and mindset.
  • The concept of “lazy” is important, where individuals and teams need to learn how to prioritize and focus on the most important tasks.
  • Learning from mistakes is crucial, and companies that publish their mistakes are often faster and more innovative than those that do not.