The journey towards active replication in PostgreSQL: Amit Kapila & Jonathan S Katz - PGCon 2023

Join Amit Kapila and Jonathan S Katz as they discuss the journey towards active replication in PostgreSQL, including logical replication, conflict detection, and resolution, and the various features and plugins they rely on.

Key takeaways
  • The journey to active replication in PostgreSQL involves various stages, including logical replication, conflict detection, and resolution.
  • Logical replication is the process of replicating data from one database to another, and it is a crucial step in achieving active replication.
  • Conflict detection is the process of identifying conflicts between changes made to the same data in different databases, and it is an essential part of conflict resolution.
  • Conflict resolution is the process of resolving conflicts between changes made to the same data in different databases, and it can be done using various methods, such as optimistic versioning or pessimistic locking.
  • Active replication is a process of replicating data from one database to another in real-time, and it is a crucial feature in achieving high availability and disaster recovery.
  • PostgreSQL has various features and plugins that support active replication, including logical replication, conflict detection, and resolution.
  • Logical replication can be used to replicate data from one database to another, and it is a crucial step in achieving active replication.
  • Conflict detection and resolution are essential parts of logical replication, and they help to ensure that data is replicated accurately and consistently.
  • PostgreSQL also has various plugins and extensions that support logical replication, including the logical replication plugin and the row-level replication plugin.
  • The logical replication plugin allows for the replication of data from one database to another, and it is a crucial feature in achieving active replication.
  • The row-level replication plugin allows for the replication of data at the row level, and it is a crucial feature in achieving high availability and disaster recovery.
  • PostgreSQL also has various features and plugins that support conflict detection and resolution, including the conflict detection plugin and the conflict resolution plugin.
  • The conflict detection plugin allows for the detection of conflicts between changes made to the same data in different databases, and it is a crucial feature in achieving conflict resolution.
  • The conflict resolution plugin allows for the resolution of conflicts between changes made to the same data in different databases, and it is a crucial feature in achieving high availability and disaster recovery.
  • PostgreSQL also has various features and plugins that support active replication, including the active replication plugin and the replication manager plugin.
  • The active replication plugin allows for the replication of data from one database to another in real-time, and it is a crucial feature in achieving high availability and disaster recovery.
  • The replication manager plugin allows for the management of replication in PostgreSQL, and it is a crucial feature in achieving high availability and disaster recovery.