Think container orchestration different - WASM is coming | Max Körbächer | Christoph Voigt

WebAssembly is changing container orchestration with its portable, efficient, and executable binary format.

Key takeaways
  • WebAssembly (WASM) is a binary format that can be run in web browsers, and it’s gaining traction as a replacement for containers.
  • WASM is designed to be portable, executable, and efficient, making it suitable for edge computing, IoT, and mobile devices.
  • The concept of actors is essential in WASM, where an actor is an isolated unit of execution that can interact with other actors.
  • WASM Cloud is a project that leverages WebAssembly’s advantages to create a distributed platform for writing and executing applications.
  • WASM Cloud is built on top of the Lattice and Letter’s approach, which provides a unified communication layer for actors.
  • The development of WASM Cloud is still ongoing, and it’s expected to have a major impact on the industry.
  • WebAssembly is a polyglot language, meaning that it can be compiled from multiple programming languages.
  • WASM has a smaller footprint and is faster than containers, making it suitable for resource-constrained devices.
  • WASM can be used alongside containers, and it’s expected to complement containers rather than replace them.
  • The adoption of WASM is expected to be widespread, and it’s already being used in various industries, including finance, healthcare, and automotive.
  • The developer experience with WASM is expected to be improved, with tools and frameworks being developed to support its adoption.
  • WebAssembly is not a replacement for containers, but rather a complementary technology that can be used in conjunction with containers.
  • WASM Cloud is a promising technology that can help solve the challenges of distributed systems and microservices architecture.