Tobias Hoinka: Predictive Maintenance and Anomaly Detection for Wind Energy

Discover how predictive maintenance and anomaly detection drive wind energy efficiency with Tobias Hoinka's insights on EMBW Asset Radar, a cutting-edge application for monitoring and predicting wind turbine defects.

Key takeaways
  • Predictive maintenance and anomaly detection are crucial for wind energy efficiency.
  • EMBW Asset Radar: a proprietary application to monitor and predict wind turbine defects.
  • Multivariate data analysis is challenging due to completeness, noise, and statistical complexity.
  • Incomplete labels and heterogeneity in data skew the analysis.
  • Regression models and autoencoders are used for predictive maintenance.
  • Anomalies are difficult to identify due to patterns and trends in data.
  • Asset Radar aims to minimize on-site maintenance and facilitate diagnosis.
  • Correlation and cognition are essential in predictive modeling.
  • Interpretable models are crucial for anomaly detection.
  • Keeping track of signals and signals’ meaning is crucial.
  • EMBW Asset Radar aims to minimize on-site maintenance.