Typing Is Not The Bottleneck • Damian Maclennan • YOW! 2019

"Discover how to overcome bottlenecks in software development by embracing experimentation, iteration, and calculated risk-taking. Hear how Damian Maclennan's keynote will inspire a culture of progress, learning, and adaptability."

Key takeaways
  • Typing is often not the bottleneck in software development, and instead, it’s other factors such as requirements, design, and learning that slow us down.
  • Agile is not about being perfect; it’s about making progress and learning from failure.
  • Creating a culture that learns from failure and encourages experimentation can lead to faster and more reliable development.
  • Low-level requirements and design should be figured out through experimentation and iteration, rather than upfront planning.
  • It’s better to prioritize delivering a working solution quickly over trying to get everything perfect upfront.
  • Recognition and rewards for taking calculated risks and learning from failure can lead to a more innovative and adaptable team.
  • Good judgement comes from experience, which is the result of bad judgement and experimentation.
  • The best teams learn from their failures and are able to adapt quickly to new information.
  • Small, incremental changes are often more effective than trying to make a huge change all at once.
  • Good judgement is not about being right; it’s about being wrong early and often.
  • The biggest risk is not taking action and trying to do everything at once.
  • The concept of “YAGNI” (You Ain’t Gonna Need It) can help teams avoid over-engineering and focus on delivering value to users.
  • Iterating and improving software is a continuous process, and there is no perfect solution.
  • Learning is the most important thing, and the fastest way to learn is by doing something and getting feedback.