Una Kravets - The Best JavaScript is No JavaScript

Explore the world of CSS and learn how you can create powerful interfaces without relying on JavaScript with Una Kravets's session, "The Best JavaScript is No JavaScript".

Key takeaways
  • The best JavaScript is no JavaScript, suggests Una Kravets, as CSS can achieve what used to require JS.
  • Use semantic HTML and CSS grid to create interfaces, rather than relying on JavaScript.
  • CSS grid provides new functions like autofit and minmax, which can simplify layout creation.
  • Create logical interfaces by using CSS grid and media queries, rather than relying on JavaScript logic.
  • Container queries allow querying of elements based on their container, rather than just the viewport.
  • Use container query units (CQI) to specify container-based sizes and layouts.
  • CSS’s new layout features, like grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows, allow for more flexible layouts.
  • Avoid using JavaScript for styling logic, instead using CSS’s built-in functionality.
  • Focus on declarative coding, where the code describes what you want to achieve, rather than how.
  • Use CSS variables (custom properties) to define and reuse styles.
  • Use the :has() pseudo-class to query elements based on their child elements.
  • CSS can be used to create interactive elements, like popovers, without JavaScript.
  • CSS grid can be used to create complex layouts, like those with multiple columns.
  • Use CSS’s built-in animations and transitions to create interactive effects.