Universal Standard’s Jamstack Migration Lifted Mobile Conversion 200% | Justin Metros, Nicole Bender

Universal Standard's Jamstack migration increased mobile conversion by 200% and improved website performance, developer experience, and customer experience, while also enabling integration with third-party APIs and better analytics.

Key takeaways
  • Universal Standard’s Jamstack migration led to a 200% increase in mobile conversion rate and a 40% decrease in bounce rate.
  • The company chose Nuxt.js as its JavaScript framework and Prismic as its headless CMS.
  • The Jamstack migration allowed for a faster and more efficient development process, with a focus on incremental migration and reuse of existing code.
  • The company prioritized migrating key pages, such as the home page, product listing pages, and cart, and implemented a split traffic release to test the new site.
  • The Jamstack migration also enabled the company to improve its developer experience, with a focus on collaboration and proper tooling.
  • The company used GitHub-based deployments and Layer0 as its deployment platform, which helped to improve the speed and accuracy of deployments.
  • The Jamstack migration also allowed for better integration with third-party APIs, such as Shopify and Google Analytics.
  • The company’s marketing team was able to pivot quickly and take advantage of new opportunities, such as buy now pay later options and unique customer offers.
  • The Jamstack migration helped to improve the company’s overall performance, with an average LCP of less than two seconds and a time to first byte of under 250 milliseconds.
  • The company’s customer experience improved, with users visiting more pages per session and staying longer on the site.
  • The Jamstack migration also allowed for better analytics and monitoring, with the use of tools such as Google Tag Manager and Mux.
  • The company’s e-commerce platform, Shopify, was integrated with the Jamstack site using the storefront API.
  • The Jamstack migration was a critical decision for the company, allowing it to stay competitive and improve its overall performance.