Veteran VCs Reveal Growth & Funding Strategies - How to Invest in Startups

Veteran VCs and Enterprise Ireland experts share growth and funding strategies, highlighting the importance of understanding the problem, diverse teams, and relationships, plus insights on fundraising, venture debt, and ESG considerations.

Key takeaways
  • Veteran VCs emphasize the importance of understanding the problem being solved, market, and resources needed to succeed.
  • Diverse teams, including female-led businesses, are seen as essential for sustainable growth.
  • Fundraising is not just about the money, but also about the relationships and support that come with it.
  • Enterprise Ireland is a government agency that provides funding and support to startups and scale-ups.
  • The funding environment is becoming more conservative, with a focus on profitability and sustainability.
  • Venture debt is a viable option for companies that have reached series A+ and are looking to scale.
  • ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) considerations are becoming increasingly important for investors.
  • Startups should focus on building a strong business plan, team, and product before approaching investors.
  • Networking and building relationships with investors, mentors, and peers is crucial for success.
  • Ireland has a strong startup ecosystem, with many accelerators, incubators, and funding options available.
  • Fundraising is a process that requires patience, persistence, and a willingness to learn and adapt.
  • Startups should be prepared to answer tough questions and demonstrate their unique value proposition.
  • The Irish government is committed to supporting startups and scale-ups, with a focus on regional development and job creation.