What's next in C# - Mads Torgersen - NDC Sydney 2024

Discover what's next for C#, including its growing functional features, focus on delight, and commitment to reducing surprises and improving code readability.

Key takeaways
  • C# is evolving to be more functional, with unions and pattern matching.
  • The language’s purpose is to be delightful, making it a good choice for many projects.
  • Breaking changes shouldn’t be as dramatic as historical ones; they should be more minor and less impactful.
  • Using aliases in C# could be helpful for improving code readability.
  • C# adoption and evolution have been influenced by other programming languages.
  • The language is open to borrowing ideas from other languages, like TypeScript and F#.
  • The goal is to reduce surprises and keep the language easy to use, while accommodating new features.
  • The community should be involved in the language development process.
  • C# has a rich ecosystem, with many developers contributing to it.