X11 and Wayland: A tale of two implementations Implementing the hikari window manager/compositor

Discover the story of X11 and Wayland, two display server implementations. Learn about the author's experience switching to Wayland and his project Hikari, a window manager/compositor that leverages Wayland's flexibility and performance.

Key takeaways
  • X11 and Wayland are two different implementations of a display server, with X11 being a legacy protocol and Wayland being a modern, graphics-focused alternative.
  • The session starts with a discussion of the author’s experience with X11 and his decision to implement a Wayland-based window manager/compositor.
  • The author presents his project, Hikari, which is a window manager/compositor that uses Wayland as its display server.
  • One of the main benefits of using Wayland is that it allows for arbitrary grouping of windows, which allows for more flexibility in window management.
  • The author discusses the challenges of implementing a window manager/compositor, including the need to handle events, manage window hierarchy, and optimize performance.
  • The author shares his experiences with X11, including its limitations and flaws, and compares it to Wayland.
  • The author presents his goals for Hikari, including simplicity, flexibility, and performance.
  • The author discusses the technical details of Hikari, including its implementation of Wayland, its use of Double Buffering, and its optimization techniques.
  • The author shares tips for implementing a window manager/compositor, including the importance of performance optimization and event handling.
  • The author discusses the future of Hikari, including its potential for further development and its potential impact on the broader window manager/compositor community.