2022-04-18 Cross Team Collaboration Fun Times (CTCFT)

Effective Cross-Team Collaboration in the Rust Ecosystem: Lessons Learned and Future Directions.

Key takeaways
  • Collaboration and knowledge sharing are essential for the Rust ecosystem’s growth.
  • The Rust community needs a better way to organize resources, as there are many scattered around.
  • The outcome of conversations should be more concrete, with highlighted key takeaways.
  • Public API documentation is a problem area, as it’s difficult to track down information.
  • There is a need for a more systematic way of categorizing questions and providing answers.
  • The Rust compiler team should provide clear answers to simple questions when possible.
  • The Rust community would benefit from having a clearer mental model for unsafe code.
  • There are various components to the Rust ecosystem, but they are not well-documented.
  • Parnasco could be used to create a record of execution, similar to a debugger.
  • Documentation should be improved to make it more findable.
  • Stakeholders should be involved in decision-making to ensure their needs are met.
  • Clear governance is necessary to ensure the Rust project stays on track.
  • Documentation needs to be improved for symmetry to make it easier to find.
  • There is a need for a systematic way of tracking down the right people to answer questions.
  • Rust needs a better taxonomy for questions to help people find the right answers.
  • Public APIs need to be more stable and static.
  • Cargo needs to be improved to make it easier to resolve dependencies.
  • The Rust new contributor program should have clear expectations and commitments.
  • Rust needs a better system for categorizing and providing answers to common questions.
  • Collaboration and knowledge sharing are crucial for the Rust project’s growth and success.
  • There is a need for a better system for tracking down the right people to answer questions.
  • Rust needs a more systematic way of documenting and providing answers to common questions.