37C3 - On Digitalisation, Sustainability & Climate Justice

Explore the intersection of digitalization, sustainability, and climate justice, questioning the concept of progress, innovation, and growth in the context of systemic change and regenerative systems.

Key takeaways
  • Digitalization should serve a purpose and not just be used for its own sake.
  • The concept of capitalism needs to be reevaluated in the context of sustainability and climate justice.
  • The focus should be on systemic change rather than just individual actions.
  • Digitalization can be a tool for change, but it’s not a panacea and needs to be used thoughtfully.
  • The EU election is an important opportunity to shape the future and address the sustainability crisis.
  • The concept of “sustainable development” is problematic and needs to be redefined.
  • The current economic paradigm is not working and needs to be replaced with a more sustainable one.
  • The focus should be on systems design and not just technological solutions.
  • The concept of “progress” needs to be reevaluated and redefined in the context of sustainability.
  • The idea of “growth” is not necessarily synonymous with progress.
  • The concept of “sustainability” is often used as a buzzword without being fully understood.
  • The focus should be on regenerative systems rather than just trying to mitigate the effects of climate change.
  • The concept of “digitalization” needs to be reevaluated in the context of sustainability and climate justice.
  • The current way of thinking about technology is limited and needs to be expanded.
  • The concept of “innovation” needs to be reevaluated and redefined in the context of sustainability.
  • The focus should be on designing systems that are regenerative and restorative.
  • The concept of “progress” needs to be reevaluated and redefined in the context of sustainability.
  • The focus should be on creating a better future for all, not just for the privileged few.
  • The concept of “sustainability” needs to be reevaluated and redefined in the context of climate justice.