37C3 - Blackbox Chemieindustrie

The chemie industry plays a significant role in Germany's emissions, but what can be done to reduce its impact? Learn about the industry's efforts to reduce emissions through recycling, reuse, and sustainable production practices.

Key takeaways
  • The chemie industry is responsible for 15.5% of Germany’s emissions, making it the second-largest emitter in the country.
  • Chemicals used in the production process are not just from fossil fuels but also from biomass and CO2.
  • The industry needs to be able to access its own technologies to reduce emissions.
  • Germany has massive industry and production capacity, with 7 million tons of waste per year.
  • The industry is working on new entities such as CO2 pipeline networks and storage.
  • There are ongoing efforts in the industry to reduce emissions through recycling and reuse.
  • The chemie industry is not just responsible for plastic production but also other products like pesticides and fiberglass.
  • The industry needs to work on accessing natural gas and biomass as energy sources.
  • Again, the industry needs to be able to access its own technologies to reduce emissions.
  • There are plans to recycle more and produce more products sustainably.
  • The industry is working on reducing waste and producing more with less resources.
  • The chemie industry is responsible for a significant portion of Germany’s emissions and must work to reduce its impact.