Ade Idowu - Hands on Intro to Developing Explainability for Recommendation Systems

Discover the importance of explainability in recommendation systems, and learn hands-on methods to develop and evaluate explainable recommendations, including association rules, matrix factorization, and post-hoc explanation methods like LIME.

Key takeaways
  • The goal of recommendation systems is to compute unknown ratings, and explainability is critical to understand the intuition behind recommendations.
  • Association rules can be used to explain recommendations by identifying patterns in user behavior.
  • Matrix factorization is a method to decompose user-item interaction matrices into lower-dimensional spaces, making recommendations more interpretable.
  • Model-based explainability couples the recommendation engine with an explainability model, providing insights into the predictions made by the model.
  • Post-hoc explanation methods, such as LIME, can explain black box models by generating explanations based on perturbations around a sample input.
  • Explainability is crucial in recommendation systems, and it’s no longer acceptable to build models that are opaque.
  • There are various metrics to evaluate the fidelity of explanations, including precision, recall, and relevance.
  • NLP-based models can generate text-based explanations, which can be visualized as word clouds or sentences.
  • Regularization is essential to ensure that the model is generalizable and not overfitting.
  • Matrix factorization is a fundamental technique in collaborative filtering, and it’s used to predict user ratings.
  • The first demo shows an example of a movie recommendation system based on user-item interaction data.
  • The second demo shows how to use the matrix factorization method to compute recommendations.
  • The third demo demonstrates the use of LIME to explain a black box model by generating explanations based on perturbations around a sample input.
  • The fourth demo shows how to use a visual style explanation to provide insights into the recommendations made by the model.
  • The fifth demo demonstrates the use of association rules to explain recommendations.
  • The sixth demo shows how to use a knowledge-based recommendation system to provide explanations based on external data.