Discussing Backend For Front-end - Nicolas Fränkel - NDC London 2023

Discover the surprising truth about microservices and why they often fail to solve organizational problems. Learn how backend for frontend can be a more effective approach, and why metrics and middle managers are critical to success.

Key takeaways
  • Microservices are often seen as a solution to organization problems, but they alone are not a solution.
  • Traditional organizational structures are often not suited for microservices.
  • Middle managers are essential in organizations, and their roles should be recognized.
  • Technical problems are a result of organizational problems, not the other way around.
  • The speaker has seen many organizations try to solve organizational issues with technical solutions, which often fails.
  • Backend for frontend is an organizational pattern, not a technical solution.
  • The speaker believes that most organizations will not be able to adopt microservices without significant changes to their organizational structure.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of metrics and vanity metrics.
  • The speaker has seen that most people do not understand Conway’s Law, which states that organizations that design systems will design systems that are a copy of what they are.
  • The speaker believes that technical solutions are not the solution to organizational problems.
  • The speaker has seen that many organizations that adopt microservices do not have the organizational structure to support it.
  • The speaker believes that the best solution is to have a good organizational structure, rather than trying to solve organizational problems with technical solutions.
  • The speaker believes that most organizations will not be able to adopt microservices, and that backend for frontend is a more realistic solution.
  • The speaker believes that metrics are important, but that vanity metrics are often not helpful.
  • The speaker has seen that many organizations that adopt microservices do not have the necessary skills and expertise.
  • The speaker believes that it is important to recognize the role of middle managers in organizations.