Afshin Darian, Martha Cryan What’s New in JupyterLab 4 0 | JupyterCon 2023

Explore the latest advancements in JupyterLab 4, featuring a new notification system, improved search functionality, CodeMirror 6, and more, with Afshin Darian and Martha Cryan at JupyterCon 2023.

Key takeaways
  • JupyterLab 4 has been released with many new features and improvements.
  • The new version allows for more flexibility and customization, making it easier to use and extend.
  • One of the major changes is the new notification system, which allows users to customize notification settings.
  • Another key feature is the new settings editor, which makes it easier to discover and manage settings.
  • CodeMirror 6 is being used as the new code editor, which provides a more streamlined experience.
  • The new version also includes improved search functionality, allowing users to search through notebooks and files more easily.
  • JupyterLab 4 is available as a release candidate and will be officially released soon.
  • The team is also working on other projects, such as Jupyter Notebook 7 and Jupyter LaTeX, which will use JupyterLab 4 components.
  • Jupyter Lab 4 is backwards compatible with previous versions, making it easy for users to upgrade.
  • The team is also working on improving performance and addressing edge cases.
  • MathJax has been updated to version 3.0, which may affect some users.
  • There are plans to standardize markdown formats, but it has not been fully decided yet.
  • The team is working on a new extension point for Markdown rendering, which will allow for more flexibility and customization.