DPC2019: HTTP/3: It's all about the transport! - Benoit Jacquemont

HTTP/3: It's all about the transport! Benoit Jacquemont discusses the latest protocol to hit the wire, QUIC, and its potential to improve performance, latency, and user experience.

Key takeaways
  • HTTP/3 is a new protocol that replaces TCP with QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections) for better performance and latency.
  • QUIC is designed to reduce latency by multiplexing multiple requests in a single connection, reducing the need for retransmissions, and improving packet loss recovery.
  • QUIC includes TLS encryption, eliminating the need for a separate TLS proxy.
  • QUIC is already being used by some browsers and services, such as Google’s Chrome and Google Duo.
  • HTTP/3 is not a significant change from HTTP/2, but rather a refinement of the protocol to work better with QUIC.
  • QUIC is designed to be more efficient and scalable than TCP, with a focus on improving performance in poor network conditions.
  • The protocol is still evolving, with ongoing development and refinement.
  • QUIC has the potential to improve the user experience by reducing latency and improving responsiveness.
  • HTTP/3 is expected to be widely adopted, with many browsers and services already supporting it.
  • QUIC is not a replacement for TCP, but rather a complementary protocol that can be used in conjunction with TCP.
  • The main goal of QUIC is to improve the performance and reliability of the internet, particularly in areas with poor network conditions.
  • QUIC is designed to be more flexible and adaptable than TCP, with a focus on improving performance in a wide range of network conditions.
  • QUIC has the potential to improve the performance of web applications and services, particularly those that rely on real-time communication and low-latency connections.