AMA: Bitcoin at scale is all about micropayments—here’s why | Dr Craig Wright | #LDNBlockchain23

Join Dr. Craig Wright as he explores the future of Bitcoin, discussing micropayments, data propagation, and digital scarcity.

Key takeaways
  • Bitcoin at scale is about micropayments, which is a concept that is often misunderstood.
  • Bitcoin is not permissionless, as Craig Wright does not choose to allow every transaction.
  • Decentralization is not the same as peer-to-peer communication.
  • The law is necessary to ensure that people follow the rules, but it’s not the same as Bitcoin’s protocol.
  • Data centers are not required for the internet, and they can be replicated using Raspberry Pis.
  • The Merkle tree structure is a fundamental part of Bitcoin’s protocol.
  • Scaling Bitcoin requires fast and efficient data propagation, as well as the ability to make transactions anonymously.
  • The concept of ownership is central to Bitcoin, as it allows people to have control over their own data.
  • The idea of digital scarcity is important in Bitcoin, as it allows for the creation of unique digital assets.
  • The problem of micropayments is not limited to Bitcoin, but is a broader problem that affects many industries.
  • Craig Wright believes that the future of the internet will be shaped by the creation of a global village.
  • Bitcoin is not a research project, but rather a technology that has the potential to change the world.