AQC 2016 - Roadmap for Building a Quantum Computer

Discover the roadmap to building a practical quantum computer, discussing challenges, solutions, and the potential for exponential problem-solving power, and learn how analog machines can harness this power to achieve better results.

Key takeaways
  • Quantum computers have to overcome errors to be useful.
  • Building a useful quantum computer is a long road.
  • Exponential power is the key to a quantum computer’s ability to solve problems faster than classical computers.
  • A simple test for quantum computers is to implement a Clifford group on two qubits and add a non-Clifford operation.
  • Resorting to analog machines or quantum annealing is a viable approach to harnessing exponential power.
  • Low-depth circuits can get approximate solutions to combinatorial problems.
  • Errors are fundamental to quantum mechanics and make it fragile.
  • Digital quantum computers are fragile to errors and may not be useful in practice.
  • Analog machines like the D-Wave machine are more resilient to errors.
  • There are still many challenges to overcome, including errors, coherence, and scalability.
  • Researchers are working on improving the coherence of quantum computers and building practical machines.
  • Experimenting with single qubits and entangling multiple qubits is key to advancing the field.
  • Quantum computers will not be useful for solving all problems; they will be useful for specific applications like optimization and simulation.
  • A quantum computer with exponential power will be able to solve problems that are difficult or impossible for classical computers to solve.
  • Researchers are working on building a scalable quantum computer that can execute low-depth circuits and solve real-world problems.