Java, How Fast Can You Parse 1 Billion Rows of Weather Data? • Roy van Rijn • GOTO 2024

Java developer Roy van Rijn presents his GOTO 2024 talk on achieving fast parsing of vast weather data sets, exploring techniques such as memory-mapped files, branchless programming, and native compilation.

Key takeaways
  • Java’s garbage collection can slow down processing, especially when dealing with large amounts of data.
  • Using a memory-mapped file can significantly speed up processing.
  • Branchless programming can be used to optimize code and reduce branches, making it faster.
  • Using Unsafe class can allow for low-level memory access and manipulation, making it possible to create a hash table without using objects.
  • Native compilation and binary compilation can further optimize code.
  • Multiplying every bit by 10 can be used to quickly parse temperature values.
  • Using a single long value to store the temperature can reduce memory allocation and improve performance.
  • SWAR (Single Write Array Read) method can be used to optimize code and reduce overhead.
  • Using JSON-LD for cross-platform communication can be more efficient than SOAP.
  • Observing the behavior of the JVM can be helpful in understanding how it works.
  • Using a console app and having it print out the results can be a way to view and test the output.
  • Debugging and testing is important to ensure the program is working correctly.
  • Hash collisions can occur and result in slower performance.
  • The JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is a layer between the Java code and the underlying computer hardware.
  • Compiler optimization and predictive vectorization can also improve performance.
  • Using a for loop instead of recursion can sometimes be more efficient.
  • Using parallel processing can take advantage of multi-core processors.
  • Java’s Byte Buffer can be used to store and retrieve bytes efficiently.
  • The JVM can optimize code, but this is not always the case.
  • The GraalVM is a just-in-time compiler that can run native code.
  • The Oracle GraalVM is a fixed-size array implementation.
  • The register allocation refers to how the JVM assigns memory for variables.
  • The JVM is a layer between the Java code and the underlying computer hardware.
  • Compiler optimization can improve performance.
  • The garbage collector should clear up the memory after use.
  • Un stunned and in agreement with you, you’re my colleague, they’re my colleagues.