Async Rust: Portability and Interoperability - Nick Cameron - Rust Linz, April 2022

Explore the current state and future development of Async Rust, including challenges, solutions, and best practices for improving portability and interoperability.

Key takeaways
  • Async Rust is in a state where users can already do async programming, but it’s not yet perfect.
  • Problems with async Rust include the need for async functions to be written, and the lack of a easy way to start asynchronous programming.
  • The async runtime is important, as it allows async functions to be executed asynchronously.
  • The async working group is working to solve these problems and make async Rust easier to use.
  • Runtimes are important for async Rust, as they allow the execution of async functions to be managed.
  • The completeness model is one kind of IO model that can be used in async Rust.
  • The readiness model is another kind of IO model that can be used in async Rust.
  • The async read trait is important for async Rust, as it allows for asynchronous reading.
  • The completion model is sometimes used in async Rust to complete tasks more efficiently.
  • The async working group is trying to solve problems in async Rust and make it better for users.
  • The async read method is important for async Rust, as it allows for asynchronous reading.