Future of Runtimes & Edge Computing: Jamstack Conf 2022 Panel

Join our panel discussion on the future of runtimes and edge computing, exploring trends, innovations, and challenges in real-time APIs, edge functions, and durable objects.

Key takeaways
  • The edge layer is a key area of focus for future technological advancements.
  • Caching and caching validations are crucial when building patterns around the edge layer.
  • Real-time APIs and web pages are a trend to keep an eye on.
  • Edge runtimes are becoming more prominent, allowing for remote code execution and improved latency.
  • The concept of “edge functions” and “edge runtimes” is still being defined and standardized.
  • There are trade-offs to consider when using edge runtimes, such as availability, partitionability, and stale data.
  • The future of edge runtimes is expected to involve more use cases and innovative applications.
  • Real-time collaborative applications are becoming more accessible to regular developers.
  • Edge runtimes are leading to a shift in how developers approach building applications, focusing on zero to one to many solutions.
  • The tension between standardization and innovation is a challenge in the industry.
  • Durable objects are an important concept in edge runtime management.
  • Twitter and other social media platforms are playing a crucial role in the development of edge runtime technologies.
  • Web sockets are already supported in Dino.
  • The industry is experimenting with new use cases and applications for edge runtimes.
  • The concept of a “central database” is becoming less relevant, with APIs and services arising instead.