Attacks From a New Front Door in 4G & 5G Mobile Networks

Discover the previously unknown attack vectors in 4G and 5G mobile networks, specifically IoT service platforms, and learn how to improve API security and prevent attacks through better practices and guidelines.

Key takeaways
  • 4G and 5G networks have a new “front door” in the form of IoT service platforms, which provide APIs to access and control devices connected to the network.
  • These APIs can be used to attack the network, and are often insecure, with many providers not implementing rate limits or strong password policies.
  • IoT service platforms are often designed with excessive privilege and exposure, allowing attackers to gain access to sensitive data and functionality.
  • The use of static tokens and hardcoded credentials is common, making it easy for attackers to compromise the platform.
  • There is a lack of understanding and awareness about the risks and vulnerabilities in IoT service platforms.
  • The use of APIs is becoming ubiquitous, but many providers are not adequately securing them, making it easy for attackers to exploit them.
  • 5G networks introduce new risks and vulnerabilities due to the increased capacity and reach of IoT devices.
  • There is a need for improved security guidelines and practices for IoT service platforms, including the use of secure APIs and authentication mechanisms.
  • Automation and testing of APIs can help to identify and remediate vulnerabilities.
  • Many providers are still using HTTP basic authentication for API access, which is insecure.
  • OAuth and TLS can be used to improve API security, but many providers are not implementing them correctly.
  • The use of APIs for IoT devices can lead to increased exposure of data and functionality, making it easier for attackers to compromise the platform.
  • There is a need for better education and awareness about the risks and vulnerabilities in IoT service platforms.