B.L.A.Z.I.N.G. - How to build performant Angular applications | Ady Ngom | ng-conf webinar

Optimize your Angular applications' performance by using best practices, tools, and Angular features to improve rendering, loading, and bundle size, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Key takeaways
  • Use async and defer correctly to improve performance
  • Use Change Detection to optimize rendering
  • Build optimizer can be used to reduce bundle size
  • Use async and defer correctly to load scripts and images
  • Lazy loading can be used to load modules and components on demand
  • Core Web Vitals are important for performance optimization
  • Use Lighthouse to analyze and improve performance
  • Use gzip to compress files
  • Use preconnect, preload, and prefetch to optimize loading of scripts and images
  • Use a performance budget to set limits on bundle size and initial render
  • Use Angular’s built-in features such as modules, components, and services to optimize performance
  • Use caching and lazy loading to optimize loading of components and modules
  • Use Web Workers to offload compute-intensive tasks
  • Use zone.js to run code outside of Angular’s change detection
  • Use angular.json to configure performance settings
  • Use cdn to host and serve static assets
  • Use LCP (Largest Contentful Paint) to measure the time it takes for the largest content element to load
  • Use TBT (Time to First Byte) to measure the time it takes for the server to send the first byte of the response
  • Use CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift) to measure the time it takes for the page to shift due to layout changes