BehaviorTree.CPP: Task Planning for Robots and Virtual Agents - Davide Faconti - CppCon 2023

Learn how to use BehaviorTree.CPP, a simple and easy-to-use API for defining and executing Behavior Trees, to model concurrency, prioritize tasks, and create complex behaviors for robots and virtual agents.

Key takeaways
  • Behavior Trees (BT) are suitable for task planning in robotics and virtual agents due to their ability to model concurrency and prioritize tasks.
  • BT can be used to define complex behaviors by combining simple nodes, such as actions, conditions, and control nodes.
  • The library BehaviorTree.CPP provides a simple and easy-to-use API for defining and executing BTs.
  • BTs can be used to model reactive behaviors, allowing the robot to respond to changes in its environment.
  • The library provides tools for debugging and logging, making it easier to develop and test BTs.
  • BTs can be used to model hierarchical compositions of behaviors, allowing for a high level of abstraction.
  • The library provides support for concurrency and parallelism, making it suitable for use in real-time systems.
  • BTs can be used to model complex systems with many variables and dependencies.
  • The library provides tools for visualizing BTs, making it easier to understand and debug complex behaviors.
  • BTs can be used to model systems with changing priorities and goals.
  • The library provides support for default values and conditional statements, making it easier to define complex behaviors.
  • BTs can be used to model systems with multiple agents and coordination.
  • The library provides tools for testing and simulation, making it easier to evaluate and refine BTs.
  • BTs can be used to model systems with complex workflows and dependencies.
  • The library provides support for error handling and exception handling.
  • BTs can be used to model systems with real-time constraints and deadlines.
  • The library provides tools for profiling and optimization, making it easier to fine-tune BTs for performance.