Bence Arató - The Python Data Visualization Landscape in 2020

Python data visualization landscape in 2020, featuring top libraries including Matplotlib, Plotly Express, Altair, Bokeh, HoloViews, Hvplot, and Apache Superset, discussed in a comprehensive review of their features, strengths, and use cases.

Key takeaways
  • Matplotlib is a low-level, very detailed, and widely used library.
  • Plotly Express is a higher-level library with a strong focus on ease of use and ease of deployment.
  • Altair is another high-level library that is designed to be more accessible to users without extensive programming knowledge.
  • Bokeh provides a rich set of tools for creating interactive visualizations.
  • HoloViews is a high-level library that provides a general-purpose plotting API.
  • Hvplot is a popular library for creating interactive plots using HoloViews.
  • Apache Superset is a tool for creating interactive, web-based dashboards.
  • Matplotlib has a steeper learning curve due to its verbose syntax and lower-level functionality.
  • Plotly Express has a strong focus on ease of use and ease of deployment.
  • Bokeh provides a rich set of tools for creating interactive visualizations, including tooltips, hovertext, and more.
  • HoloViews provides a general-purpose plotting API and is designed to be extensible.
  • Hvplot provides interactive plots using HoloViews and is popular for its ease of use.
  • Apache Superset is a tool for creating interactive, web-based dashboards and provides a variety of visualization options.
  • Matplotlib is widely used and has a large community of users and developers.
  • Plotly Express is widely used and has a strong reputation for ease of use and deployment.
  • Bokeh is widely used and has a strong reputation for its interactive visualization capabilities.
  • HoloViews is widely used and has a strong reputation for its extensibility and ease of use.
  • Hvplot is widely used and has a strong reputation for its ease of use and interoperability.
  • Apache Superset is widely used and has a strong reputation for its interactive dashboard capabilities.