Ram Rachum - Live-coding a music synthesizer

Live-coding a music synthesizer using Python and NumPy, exploring overtones, sine waves, and MIDI sequences, with discussions on timing, offset, and future improvements.

Key takeaways
  • Live-coding a music synthesizer using Python
  • Uses NumPy and matplotlib for scientific computing and plotting
  • Explains the concept of overtones and how they are responsible for the character of a musical note
  • Demonstrates how to play musical notes using a sine wave and manipulating the frequency and volume
  • Discusses the importance of timing and offset in music synthesis
  • Shows how to calculate air pressure and create a sound wave
  • Uses PyPy, a just-in-time compiler, to speed up the code
  • Explains the concept of MIDI and how to read and play MIDI files
  • Creates a MIDI sequence using a class and plays it using a synthesizer
  • Discusses the limitations of the current implementation and potential future improvements