"Blueprints for a Universal Reasoning Machine" by Zenna Tavares (Strange Loop 2022)

Zenna Tavares presents "Blueprints for a Universal Reasoning Machine" at Strange Loop 2022, discussing the concept of universal reasoning, simulation models, and probabilistic programming languages to automate the reasoning process.

Key takeaways
  • Universal reasoning is the idea of a system that can understand an information processing system at different levels of analysis.
  • Blueprints for a universal reasoning machine involve simulation models, where multiple things can produce the same perception.
  • We want to work with collaborators on real problems to drive the direction of technology.
  • Inversion is important for understanding how the world works and for doing counterfactual reasoning.
  • Probabilistic programming languages can be used to automate the process of reasoning.
  • A reasoning system should be able to automatically compute the answer to questions, using simulation models and conditioning with evidence.
  • Counterfactual reasoning is about asking what would have happened if something had been different.
  • Inversion is difficult because many interesting things are not invertible.
  • Humans have a remarkable capacity to model the outside world and use that model to make inferences about the future.
  • BASIS is an organization that aims to advance along three axes: reasoning algorithms, modes of reasoning, and knowledge representations.
  • We want to build a system that can match the ambition of earlier science, which aimed to understand the world at a deep and fundamental level.
  • The goal is to build a system that can reason about causal relationships and uncertainty, and can automate the process of reasoning.
  • We are exploring ways to disentangle flexibility and consistency in programming languages, and to create a universal reasoning machine that can be used to solve a wide range of problems.