Bringing Blockchain to the Masses – From Vision to Reality | PrismX Day 1

Bringing blockchain technology to the masses: experts discuss the four key problems to overcome, including performance, adoption, governance, and interoperability, on the path to mainstream adoption.

Key takeaways
  • To make blockchain mainstream, we need to solve four key problems: performance, requirements for mainstream adoption, governance, and interoperability.
  • Blockchain is expected to disrupt industries, but it’s not a technology for all, it’s meant to solve problems.
  • The key to mainstream adoption is choice and control, allowing individuals to make their own decisions.
  • Decentralized systems will be more robust and efficient, as trust will be distributed among nodes rather than intermediaries.
  • The gig economy will be transformed, with platforms reaping 20-30% of value, but with blockchain, the value will go back to users.
  • The ability to programmability and peer-to-peer interaction will enable new use cases, such as decentralized Loans, Work, and Identity.
  • The EU is a key region for blockchain adoption, with different countries adopting at different rates.
  • Interoperability is crucial, as it will enable different blockchains to communicate with each other.
  • Trust must be earned back, as users are weary of centralized systems.
  • There is a need for a better mechanism to deliver blockchain technology to millions of people globally.
  • The concept of sovereignty and ownership is key, as users should be able to control their assets, data, and identity.
  • Microsoft’s partnership with ConsenSys is a step forward in bringing blockchain to the masses.
  • The financial system will be transformed, with intermediaries disappearing, and trust increasing.
  • Regulation will play a crucial role in the adoption of blockchain technology.
  • The panel agrees that it will take time for blockchain to reach mainstream adoption, but they are optimistic about its potential.