Busting Myths: Is Building Relationships a Female Thing? Panel by Līna Marta Sarma / Riga TechGirls

Explore the myth that building relationships is a female thing, and learn how founders of all genders can benefit from networking, building connections, and creating a supportive ecosystem.

Key takeaways
  • Networking is important for founders, regardless of gender, as it helps to build relationships, learn from others, and find new opportunities.
  • The startup ecosystem often experiences a lack of female founders, and this may be due to women not feeling heard or seen in the industry.
  • Building relationships takes time and effort, and it’s important to be genuine and interested in others when networking.
  • Women may tend to take on more responsibility in terms of nurturing relationships and creating connections, which can be time-consuming and draining.
  • It’s important to remember that networking is not just about finding funding or solving immediate problems, but about building long-term relationships and learning from others.
  • Online tools and platforms can make networking more accessible, but in-person connections are still valuable and important.
  • It’s okay to start small and focus on one or two goals when networking, rather than trying to meet everyone in the room.
  • Showing genuine interest in others and being willing to listen can go a long way in building connections.
  • Networking is not just limited to formal events, but can also occur in casual settings.
  • Building a strong network takes time and effort, but it can provide a competitive advantage and help to achieve success.
  • Women often do not seek help or support when needed, so it’s important to create a culture where they feel supported and heard.
  • Startup associations and organizations can play a crucial role in supporting women in tech and providing them with resources and networking opportunities.
  • It’s important to acknowledge and address the biases and barriers that women may face in the startup ecosystem.
  • Building diverse networks and connections can help to facilitate growth and innovation, and can benefit both men and women equally.