Community and Contributors Panel | ViteConf 2023

Join the Community and Contributors Panel at ViteConf 2023: fostering a positive, welcoming, and inclusive community.

Key takeaways
  • Community and contributors play a crucial role in making a community friendly and welcoming.
  • Addressing uncomfortable situations promptly is essential to creating a positive environment.
  • People may not always speak up about issues, even if they care about the community.
  • Good habits can be promoted through small actions, such as adding comments and labels to issues.
  • Community partners can help create a more inclusive environment.
  • Reviewers are essential to the documentation process and should be acknowledged.
  • Documentation should be accessible and inclusive to all.
  • Making mistakes and learning from them is an important part of growth.
  • Finding ways to engage new users, such as hackathons and community challenges, can be effective.
  • Acknowledging and rewarding contributors is important for their motivation.
  • Addressing the needs of the community is crucial for creating a positive environment.
  • Different personalities and cultures within a community can lead to unique challenges.
  • Building relationships and finding like-minded individuals can help create a sense of belonging.
  • Estimating the time and effort required for a task can be challenging, but it’s essential for setting realistic goals.