Ana Ruvalcaba, Afshin Darian, Jason Grout, Fernando Pérez State of the Union: Jupyter Community |

The Jupyter community has adopted a new governance model for distributed decision-making and inclusivity.

Key takeaways
  • The Jupyter community has grown to become a global, diverse, and complex ecosystem.
  • The community has established a new governance model to ensure decision-making is distributed and inclusive.
  • The model consists of multiple councils, each with a specific focus, such as the Executive Council, Software Steering Council, and Events Committee.
  • The Executive Council is responsible for strategic planning and vision, while the Software Steering Council coordinates technical initiatives.
  • The Events Committee organizes conferences and workshops, which are sponsored by organizations like Bloomberg and Amazon Web Services.
  • The community has established a diversity, equity, and inclusion committee to promote a healthy power dynamics.
  • The Jupyter community has learned from the Apache community’s experiences and has implemented similar governance structures.
  • The community has established a system of recognition for contributors, with the Jupyter Distinguished Contributors program.
  • The community has also established a system of proposals for community-wide decisions, such as the Jupyter enhancement proposals.
  • The community is working to maintain a healthy power dynamics between different actors, including contributors, maintainers, and industry partners.
  • The community is also working to ensure that decision-making is distributed and inclusive, with multiple councils and working groups.
  • The community has established a system of regular meetings and office hours to facilitate communication and collaboration.
  • The community is working to maintain Jupyter as an open public good for society, promoting democratization of access to computing and data.