Meet-ups: A Grand Vision for a Humble Endeavor with Deb Nicholson

Meet-up organizers, learn how to make your events sustainable, welcoming, and inclusive while fostering connections and skills sharing in the open source community, with a focus on Python and beyond.

Key takeaways
  • Meet-ups are a fundamental part of the open source community, fostering connections and skills sharing.
  • Python is the focus, but other Meet-ups are also valuable.
  • Every Meet-up is unique, with diverse topics and audiences.
  • Meet-ups need to be welcoming and inclusive, with code of conduct and support for marginalized groups.
  • Resources are scarce, and organizers need support; PSF provides some help with fiscal sponsorship and marketing.
  • Meet-ups are often run by volunteers who care deeply about the community, but burn out easily.
  • To make Meet-ups more sustainable, organizers should learn to delegate tasks and seek help.
  • Meet-ups should focus on skill sharing, not just social events.
  • There are many exciting projects and communities that can be found through Meet-ups.
  • Meet-ups can be a way to stay connected and motivated during difficult times.
  • Deb Nicholson, Meet-up organizer and PSF director, emphasizes the importance of community and connection.