C++23 - What's In It For You? - Marc Gregoire - CppCon 2022

Explore the exciting new features and improvements in C++23, including new containers, views, span classes, format library, expected class, and more, and learn how they can improve your coding experience.

Key takeaways
  • C++23 adds four new containers to the standard library: flatmap, flatmultimap, view, and span.
  • The views library introduces a new way to write more concise and readable code by combining multiple views into a single expression.
  • The new span class provides a way to work with old-style buffers, allowing for more efficient memory management.
  • The std::format library provides a way to format strings in a more readable and flexible manner.
  • The std::expected class provides a way to store expected values, allowing for more robust error handling.
  • The std::ranges library introduces a new way to work with ranges, providing more flexibility and expressiveness.
  • The std::views library provides a way to transform ranges, allowing for more efficient data processing.
  • The std::span class introduces a new way to work with multidimensional subtitles, allowing for more efficient memory management.
  • The std::coroutine class provides a way to implement coroutines, allowing for more efficient and flexible code.
  • The std::sched class provides a way to implement a scheduler, allowing for more efficient and flexible code.
  • The std::async class provides a way to implement asynchronous code, allowing for more efficient and flexible code.
  • The std::sync class provides a way to implement synchronization, allowing for more efficient and flexible code.