Charlas - Marina Moro López: Biohacking con Python: cómo convertirse en el señor Burns fluorescente

Discover the intersection of bio-hacking, genetics, electronics, and social media, as speaker Marina Moro López explores how to use Python programming to democratize biological experiments and create personalized, tailored biological systems.

Key takeaways
  • Bio-hacking is a democratization of biological experiments, democratizing the process of creating and modifying organisms, and made possible by the intersection of genetics, electronics, and social media.
  • Bio-hacking is not just biology, but also computer programming, engineering, and other scientific disciplines.
  • Bio-hacking is about DIY biology, using low-cost, accessible technologies, and experimenting with biological systems.
  • The concept of bio-hacking is influenced by three movements: DIY biology, hacktivism, and transhumanism.
  • Bio-hacking is about creating personalized, tailored biological systems, and uses techniques such as gene editing, genetic engineering, and biotechnology.
  • Bio-hacking is not just about biology, but also about computing, programming, and engineering, and uses programming languages like Python.
  • The use of bio-hacking is not limited to biological experiments, but also includes applications in fields such as medicine, biotechnology, and environmental conservation.
  • Bio-hacking raises ethical concerns, such as the potential for bioterrorism, and requires transparency, safety, and responsibility.
  • The speaker argues that bio-hacking is not just a trend, but a revolution that will change the way we live and work, and offers a positive vision of a future where technology and biology are conjoined.