Ching Lam Choi - Corona-Net


Discover CoronaNet, a deep learning model for automated CT diagnosis and segmentation of COVID-19 lung lesions, with potential applications in patient triaging, personalized treatment planning, and alleviating radiologist workload.

Key takeaways
  • CoronaNet is a model for automated CT diagnosis confirmation and segmentation of COVID-19 lung lesions
  • It utilizes a novel compound scaling method and the U-net architecture
  • The model was trained on a dataset of approximately 1,000 CT scans and achieved good results in binary and multi-class segmentation tasks
  • CoronaNet has potential applications in patient triaging and personalized treatment planning, and can help alleviate the workload of radiologists
  • The model was developed using PyTorch and other Python libraries, and the code is available on GitHub for further development and collaboration
  • Future work includes improving the model’s accuracy and generalizability, as well as exploring its applications in other medical imaging domains