Chris Oliver - Powerful Rails Features You Might Not Know - Rails World 2023

Discover powerful yet lesser-known features in Rails, including template strict locals, Turbo streams, and more, to take your Ruby on Rails development to the next level.

Key takeaways
  • Template strict locals are handy for cleaning up views.
  • Turbo streams can be used to generate files and email them out.
  • The truncate method can be used to shorten text to a certain length.
  • The number_to_phone method can be used to format phone numbers.
  • The html_escape method can be used to escape HTML characters in text.
  • The number_to_currency method can be used to format currency.
  • The distance_of_time_in_words method can be used to format time differences.
  • The pluralize method can be used to add -s or -es to the end of a word to make it plural.
  • The time_ago_in_words method can be used to format time from now in words.
  • Active Support includes a lot of other helpful methods for strings, such as singularize, camelize, tableize, and more.
  • with_options can be used to set the precision in numbers to one decimal place.
  • railties can be used to create custom generators for Rails.
  • action_text can be used to create custom content for Rails.
  • active_storage can be used to store and serve files in Rails.
  • devise can be used to implement password challenges and more.
  • mongo_mapper can be used to map MongoDB data to Ruby objects.
  • mutable_string can be used to create a string that can be modified.
  • number_to_human can be used to format numbers with a unit.
  • time_ago_in_words can be used to format time differences from now in words.
  • active_support_core_extensions can be used to add custom functionality to Rails.
  • rails_helper can be used to test Rails applications.
  • runner can be used to run scripts in Rails.
  • spring can be used to start and stop Rails applications in development mode.
  • foreman can be used to manage and run Rails applications in production mode.
  • viagra can be used to create custom views for Rails.
  • nested_form can be used to create custom forms for Rails.
  • remote_form_for can be used to create custom forms for Rails that can be submitted remotely.