Controlled Chaos: Managing your Microservice Ecosystem for Business Agility | Tobias Kunze

Learn to manage chaos in your microservice ecosystem and achieve business agility by investing in the control layer, golden signals, and operational patterns, and adopting a mission control mindset.

Key takeaways
  • Invest in the ability to view golden signals and apply operational patterns.
  • Chaos is a new reality in software development, and it’s essential to learn to manage it.
  • The environment determines the success of applications and services, not code.
  • Code doesn’t matter anymore; what matters is the environment and its control.
  • The control layer governs how systems connect, and it’s essential to operate with a mission control mindset.
  • Segmentation is crucial in managing chaos, as it allows for the isolation of services and applications.
  • Monitoring is essential, but it needs to be done at the right level of granularity and at the right level of the stack.
  • The second learning is that monitoring doesn’t buy us anything if it’s not at the right level of granularity and at the right level of the stack.
  • Architecture is becoming a runtime activity, and it’s essential to operate with a mission control mindset.
  • The key problem is that the agility we want to support gives us an architectural style that we can’t control.
  • We need to defer a lot of things that we used to do in code and defer to runtime control.
  • Observability as a product is also observability that monitoring provides.
  • The environment is what matters, not the local logistics.
  • We need to operate with a mission control mindset, like an air traffic controller.
  • Architecture and operations are both runtime functions.
  • The chaos is controlled when we accept it and operate with a mission control mindset.
  • It’s essential to invest in the capability to operate the chaos and control it.
  • The golden signals are the determining factors of the success of deployment.
  • We need to care about the stability and security of the entire airspace, not individual ground operations.
  • The new reality is that the environment takes precedence over code.
  • We need to operate with a mission control mindset, and it’s essential to invest in the capability to operate the chaos and control it.