"Cursorless: A spoken language for editing code" by Pokey Rule (Strange Loop 2023)

Explore the concept of voice coding and the potential for building a spoken programming language in this talk on cursorless, a spoken language for editing code.

Key takeaways
  • The talk “Cursorless: A spoken language for editing code” by Pokey Rule discusses voice coding and the potential for building a spoken programming language.
  • The focus is on leveraging the unique characteristics of spoken language to create a language that can work as fast or even faster than keyboard-driven coding.
  • The talk introduces cursorless, a spoken language for programming code, which is designed to be fast and convenient.
  • The core concept of cursorless is the notion of a target, which can be manipulated using actions and modifiers to achieve complex results.
  • There are different types of scopes in cursorless, including token, line, and paint, which can be used to control the behavior of actions and modifiers.
  • The talk discusses the concept of Tacit programming, where the parser knows what the input is, reducing the need for explicit commands.
  • The programming language is designed to be used interactively, allowing for rapid construction of complex pipelines.
  • The language also makes use of natural language processing and LLMs (Large Language Models) to improve its capabilities.
  • The language is built on top of an amazing piece of software called Talon Voice which allows for voice control of a computer.