Interactive Programming for Artificial Intelligence - Dragan Djuric


"Learn how to program interactive artificial intelligence with Clojure, a powerful language for developing AI applications. From theory to implementation, discover the full path to AI development with book series and open-source libraries."

Key takeaways
  • Programmers are the target audience for interactive programming for AI, as they are curious and like to learn new things.
  • AI techniques can be difficult to learn and implement, especially for those without a background in math and computer science.
  • The book series on topics related to AI, machine learning, and high performance computing aims to provide a path from theory to implementation.
  • Interactive programming languages such as Clojure can help simplify AI algorithms and make them more accessible to programmers.
  • AI is a broad field, and researchers may have a hard time finding relevant literature and resources to support their work.
  • The author’s goal is to provide a full path from theory to implementation, using Clojure as the programming language.
  • The author is working on several book series, including “Deep Learning for Programmers” and “Numerical Linear Algebra for Programmers”.
  • Books are often written for theory-oriented audiences, but what is missing is implementation-based content.
  • The author is writing books in a no-middle-man approach, which has positive and negative sides.
  • The author believes that a more humbler approach to AI is needed, rather than super-impressive results.
  • The author is working on open-source libraries and other projects to support the development of AI tools and techniques.
  • The author’s vision for Closure is as the AI language, and he believes it has the potential to be a powerful tool for developing AI applications.
  • The author writes that programmers tend to learn best by coding and doing practical work.
  • Artifical intelligence is a field that is difficult to define, but in general it involves developing devices that can perceive their environment and take actions to achieve goals.
  • Neuroscience and cognition are also related to AI, as they study how animals and humans process and understand information.
  • The author believes that Clojure can be a powerful tool for AI research and development.