Decisions from The Gut with Jason Fried, Co-founder & CEO, 37signals

Hear Jason Fried, Co-founder & CEO of 37signals, share his unconventional approach to making decisions from the gut, prioritizing small, steady progress, and customer satisfaction.

Key takeaways
  • Companies should focus on building products that fit their needs, rather than trying to fit into a larger company’s mold.
  • Setting a number limit on the amount of money a company can make is a way to ensure the company remains small.
  • Having a small team of people who can make important decisions is important.
  • Hiring represents a big risk, and will only be considered if it hurts.
  • The company will only grow to the point where it hurts to grow more.
  • Customer satisfaction is the most important priority.
  • The company doesn’t have any strategy for getting bigger, and doesn’t think about it.
  • The company doesn’t worry about what its next move will be, because it doesn’t know what its life will be like.
  • The company has no intention of going public, and doesn’t need an exit.
  • The company values open, honest, and quick communication.
  • The company wants to make decisions based on trust in its people.
  • The company prioritizes making decisions that are clear, honest, and quick.
  • The company doesn’t consider long-term goals, and instead focuses on making decisions based on gut instinct.
  • The company doesn’t plan for the future, and instead focuses on the present.
  • The company doesn’t want to be seen as a “big company” and prefers to remain small.
  • The company values making decisions that are guided by a sense of right and wrong.
  • The company doesn’t think about what its competitors are doing, and instead focuses on its own goals.
  • The company doesn’t like to waste time on planning or strategy.
  • The company is not interested in making big, splashy decisions, and instead prefers to make small, steady progress.
  • The company is not interested in making decisions that are based on public opinion.