Decrypting Tech Hype for the Busy Coder | Stephen Chin @ DeveloperWeek 2019

Discover what technologies are worth your time as a busy coder, and learn how to navigate the hype around serverless, blockchain, chatbots, quantum computing, and machine learning.

Key takeaways
  • Technologies to consider:
    • Serverless
    • Blockchain
    • Chatbots
    • Quantum computing
    • Machine learning
  • Serverless:
    • Cost-effective, only pay for usage
    • Easy to manage, scales automatically
    • Allows for rapid development and deployment
    • Can be used for various applications, such as APIs, microservices, and event-driven architectures
  • Blockchain:
    • Distributed ledger technology
    • Provides security, transparency, and immutability
    • Can be used for various applications, such as supply chain management, financial services, and voting systems
    • Private blockchain is a viable option, with its own set of benefits and drawbacks
  • Chatbots:
    • Natural language processing (NLP) technology
    • Can be integrated with various platforms, such as voice assistants, messaging apps, and websites
    • Can be used for various applications, such as customer support, sales, and marketing
  • Quantum computing:
    • Next-generation computing technology
    • Has the potential to solve complex problems and optimize processes
    • Is still in its early stages, with significant potential for advancement and innovation
  • Machine learning:
    • Artificial intelligence (AI) technology
    • Can be used for various applications, such as image recognition, natural language processing, and predictive modeling
    • Has the potential to transform industries and create new opportunities
  • 3D printing and additive manufacturing:
    • Can be used for rapid prototyping, production, and repair
    • Has significant potential for cost savings, material reduction, and reduced production time
    • Can be used for various applications, such as aerospace, automotive, and healthcare