"Demystifying Privacy Preserving Computing" by Tejas Chopra (Strange Loop 2022)

Discover the basics of privacy-preserving computing, including differential privacy, zero-knowledge proof, and homomorphic encryption, with real-world applications from Apple and Google.

Key takeaways
  • Demystifying Privacy Preserving Computing:
    • Differential privacy: mathematically prove privacy
    • Split private data into many parts to maintain privacy
    • Zero-knowledge proof: prove knowledge without revealing data
    • Client-side processing
    • Processing on encrypted data
    • Federated learning: learning on mobile devices
    • Homomorphic encryption: performing computations on encrypted data
    • Secure multiparty computation: multiple parties colluding to perform computation
    • Privacy preserving computation uses mathematical proof
    • By-products: zero-knowledge proof and digital signatures
    • Companies like Box, Apple, and Microsoft using privacy preserving computation
    • Apple uses differential privacy
    • Google uses federated learning
    • sh glad that good actors also unnecessarily disclose personal data
    • Zero-knowledge proof
    • Secure Multiparty Computation
    • Clientside processing
    • Homomorphic encryption
    • Federated learning
    • Client-side processing is key